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QuadRipple Studio, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, Pilates, Reformer, Private Sessions, Classes & Online sessions, Rowing, Breathwork, Massage, Wellness Coaching, Dance,Fitness, Wellness

Hello, I'm Sarah

I was first introduced to Pilates after the birth of my two children. I had suffered chronic lower back pain as a result of a weakened and compromised core. After my first Pilates class, I left with a sense of inspiration about what I had just experienced, but also an instinctive feeling that the techniques I’d learned in the session made total sense.  It was love at first bite. 


I became a fully certified Mat, Reformer, Cadillac, Barrel, and Chair Pilates Instructor in 2013. I am also a fully Certified Indoor Rowing Instructor.  I have always felt that the Pilates method promotes mindful movement, but lacks elements of cardiovascular work.  Following this feeling, I began to explore the natural fusion of rowing and Pilates.  Rowing offers an aerobic and anaerobic workout, whilst supporting the bodyweight. Rowing employs 80% of your musculature.  Unlike other cardio workouts, rowing is low impact on the joints. And good rowing form aligns perfectly with the foundational principles of Pilates - a union made in heaven! 


I am also a firm believer that movement should ultimately be fun!  I want you to enjoy taking one of my classes at the studio, not dread it. I think I have found the perfect combination for the ultimate full body workout. 


Pilates is a system of exercise that trains the abdominals to work inward, supporting the spine whilst giving the waist a long, lean appearance; also working the “power house,” the inner thighs, hamstrings, and gluteus muscles, Pilates lengthens as it strengthens.  This therapeutic movement was developed by Joseph Pilates over a span of 60-odd years.  Utilising the equipment he designed, the method tones the muscles as well as balances muscular force at the joint level.  By facilitating flexibility, joint range of motion and proper musculoskeletal alignment Pilates stimulates circulation.  It also promotes new neuromuscular patterns, heightened body awareness, and more precise coordination.  The combined effects of Pilates help to prevent injuries and reduce or sometimes eliminate chronic pain altogether.  This invigorating and balancing workout will tone your muscles and leave you feeling relaxed and energized. 


I offer Rowing/Pilates Fusion classes at both Essential and Intermediate levels, Mat with Arc Barrel classes, and Mat classes with props, also at Essential and Intermediate levels. The small class sizes mean personal attention, but for those of you that want dedicated time with me, I also offer private 1:1 sessions using the most versatile piece of Pilates equipment: The Reformer. 

Class Descriptions

Reformer Classes (Essential/Intermediate) - 4 people max.


Small class size ensures lots of individual attention which in turn facilitates speedy progression.  The pace is moderate, and appropriate for all fitness levels (your Reformer springs can be adjusted to make your workout as challenging as needed) yet will be challenging and will tone muscles, strengthen the core and provide an invigorating full body workout.


What is a Reformer and what does it do?

A Reformer is an apparatus designed with a system of springs (heavy or light tension) and pulleys that allows an exercise to become more accessible or more challenging, based on the choice of setup.  The closed-chain setup allows for a deeper proprioception (your awareness of where your body is during movement.)  The Reformer allows for the full range of movement and load on the muscle, which helps to develop longer, leaner, and stronger muscles.  The Reformer gives your body the support it needs to move in ways you wouldn’t be able to without it.  Most Reformer classes rely on the fact that your spine is decompressed as you lie down on the equipment, so you can work in deeper angles during movements compared with standing up.



Rowing/Pilates Fusion Classes - 6 people max.


Rowing intensity ranges from Essential (novice) to Intermediate level.  The hour will be split in alternating ten minute blocks between rower and mat.  The matwork component of the class is designed to compliment the rowing.  No experience is necessary for the Essential classes.  Small class sizes equal unparalled focus on your alignment and form.  The goal is to progress at your own pace, feel stronger, improve your cardiovascular, and have fun! 

Rowing Fusion Footwear 


Please note that you should wear indoor “training” sneakers or just thick socks to fully benefit from the Rowing Fusion classes.  By “training” sneakers I refer to indoor gym shoes, not “running” sneakers.  The former offers full flexibility for the foot during the rowing component, and works well to remain on during the mat portion of the class. Lace ups, not slip ons please.



Matwork - 6 people max.


I offer matwork classes at Essential and Intermediate levels.  Enjoy a full body workout using various props to tone, challenge and assist your body.  Emphasis will be placed on your mind/body connection, incorporating breathing techniques to engage your deep cylindrical core muscles.  Be prepared to have fun!


What is an Arc Barrel and how does it work? 


The Arc Barrel features a gentle curve which helps to decompress and lengthen the spine. It is a wonderful addition to any matwork routine, designed to increase the level of challenge or offer needed support during exercises.  All levels welcome.  It is one of my favourite pieces of Pilates equipment. Your spine will be eternally grateful!

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